Mike Gonzalez
Mike Gonzalez is the Angeles T. Arredondo E Pluribus Unum Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He writes on a variety of subjects, including critical theory, critical race theory, education, and foreign policy. He spent the better part of two decades as a journalist, clocking 11 years with the Wall Street Journal. He joined the administration of President George W. Bush and worked in the State Department’s European Bureau. In his first foreign assignment, Gonzalez was arrested and expelled from Panama by Manuel Antonio Noriega. The following year, he traveled with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Today, he devotes nearly all his time to defending the US and the West in general from systemic overhaul and cultural genocide.
Gonzalez is a widely experienced writer and public speaker. He has written for National Affairs, The American Interest, Foreign Policy, The Claremont Review of Books, City Journal, Quillette, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Time.com, The Hill, Forbes.com, USA Today, The Guardian, The National Interest, the Daily Signal, National Review and others. Gonzalez has appeared on Fox, MSNBC, PBS, the BBC, CNBC, NPR, C-SPAN, The Voice of America, Television Española, Canal Plus, as well as many other networks and stations in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. He is an independent weekly columnist.
Gonzalez holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Boston’s Emerson College, and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Books: BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution, published by Encounter Books in 2021. https://www.amazon.com/BLM-Making-New-Marxist-Revolution/dp/1641772239
The Plot to Change America: How Identity Politics is Dividing the Land of the Free, published by Encounter Books in 2020. https://www.heritage.org/the-plot-change-america
A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic Americans, published by Random House’s Crown Books in 2014. http://www.randomhouse.com/book/228486/a-race-for-the-future-by-mike-gonzalez
Forthcoming This Year: NextGen Marxists: Their Assault on America and How to Defeat It