Prof. Dr. Fritz Söllner
University Professor, Ilmenau University of Technology
Fritz Söllner is head of the Department of Public Finance at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. He worked as a junior lecturer at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and as a John F. Kennedy Research Fellow at Harvard University. His research interests include, besides the history of economic thought, environmental economics and the economics of migration. Among recent publications are the textbook Die Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens (5th ed., 2021, Springer-Gabler, Berlin, in German) and the papers The Use (and Abuse) of Robinson Crusoe in Neoclassical Economics (History of Political Economy 48(1), 2016, 35-64) and Towards a Rational Migration Policy (Analyse und Kritik 40(2), 2018, 267-291).