MCC (Budapest, Tas vezér u. 3-7., 1113)
30 September - 1 October, 2022
30 September - 1 October, 2022
Apart from concrete military actions, Europe feels virtually all the effects of the fighting in the neighborhood:
This year's MCC Budapest Summit will seek answers to questions such as
Acs J. Zoltán, Ph.D., was born in a refugee camp in Villach, Austria in 1947 to Hungarian parents who fled Hungary after the Second World War. He immigrated to the United States in 1952 on the World War II troop carrier USS General S. D. Sturgis. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was a member of the Hungarian refugee community. After graduating from Cleveland State University, he moved to New York, where he earned a Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research. He is associate professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government and director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Policy (CEP) at George Mason University in the United States. Member of the College of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. He was previously a professor of management at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a researcher in the Business Development and Public Policy Group of the Max Planck Institute for Economics in Jena, Germany. He served as chief economist for the US Small Business Administration (SBA) under two US presidents, and was a research fellow at the US Census Bureau. He is the co-director of the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland, a research fellow at the Science Center Berlin, a research fellow at the Western Europe Institute at Columbia University, and a resident fellow of the Kauffman Foundation.
Dr. György Bacsa is a capital market and transaction specialist and corporate leader. He holds degrees in law and economics from ELTE and Corvinus Universities in Budapest, from the University of Heidelberg in Germany and the American Duke University.
Mr Bacsa is Executive Vice President of Group Strategic Operations and Corporate Development at MOL Group, which area is responsible for the management of M&A projects, corporate strategy-making processes, project evaluation, for the coordination of group-level legal and compliance tasks, venture capital fund investments, corporate relationships, staffing, regulatory, and internal audit activities. He is a member of The Board of Directors at MOL Group from December 2021.
Since 2003, he has been working in the group in various expert and then management positions, and is also a member of the management boards of various companies and associations.
Since 2013, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Budapest Stock Exchange, as well as a member of the Board of Directors and investment bodies of Gran Private Equity Zrt., Lead Ventures Zrt., Market Asset Management Zrt. and Alpac East-West Venture Capital.
He is a member of the New York Bar Association and the MKIK Arbitration Register. Mr. Bacsa is Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Theater and Film Arts since 2020.
From 2021 Mr Bacsa is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Education, Culture and Science Foundation for Civic Education and the Board of Trustees of the MOL-New Europe Foundation.
Dániel Bartha is the President and Director of the Budapest-based non-profit and non-partisan think tank Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy since 2014.
Dániel has a background in democracy assistance and foreign and security policy. From 2006 until 2012 he worked at the International Centre for Democratic Transition (ICDT) in various positions, among others as a Programme Manager and Director for Development. After leaving the Center for Democracy Public Foundation where Dániel held the position of Vice President for Strategy, he joined in 2012 the Bratislava-based Central European Policy Institute (now: GLOBSEC Policy Institute). There he worked as an Executive Director until 2014. Between 2020 and 2022 he was the Director for Foreign Affairs at Equilibrium Insitute of Budapest.
He holds an MA in International Relations from the Corvinus University of Budapest. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at the University of Pécs. Dániel Bartha is a regular lecturer and speaker on Central European foreign and security policy.
Dr. Bence Bauer LL.M. was born in Budapest in 1979, but lived in Germany for more than 20 years, where he graduated from a law school and passed the legal exam. Back home, he obtained a postgraduate qualification in the field of comparative political and legal sciences at Andrássy University. He worked for 10 years in the ties of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, where as the project coordinator and deputy head of the representation in Hungary, he was responsible, among other things, for the domestic training programs, the trainee and scholarship system, partner relations, as well as political reports and materials. Before that, he was the first Central European to lead the student organization of the European People's Party (European Democrat Students), the largest political university organization on the continent, and in this capacity he was also a member of the political assembly of the EPP.
Anton Bendarzsevszkij is a foreign policy analyst and journalist. He studied media and communication and history at the University of Pécs, also reading political science at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. He was the head of Kitekintő – Hungarian foreign policy news portal for seven years. Subsequently, Anton was director of the geopolitical foundation of the Hungarian National Bank and its research institute for over four years, before serving as a director of research at Danube Institute, between 2021-2022. Currently he is a director of research at Oeconomus Economic Research Foundation. He is a regular columnist at Index and Mandiner, and he is also providing expertise to most major Hungarian media outlets. Anton specializes in the security policy of Post-Soviet states.
Christopher Davis is an academic expert on the economies of Russia and East Europe. He studied for his B.A. in Applied Mathematics at Harvard University (1969) and for his Ph.D. in Economics at Cambridge University (1980). The topic of his Ph.D. dissertation was The Economics of Health in the USSR. He has held tenured academic positions at the University of Birmingham (Centre for Russian and East European Studies, 1978-1991) and the University of Oxford (jointly in Economics and Area Studies, 1991-2015). Since 2016 he has held a research position at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing as Professorial Research Fellow.
He commenced his academic research on defence economics related to the USSR and Russia in 1985 following a Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship in National Security and Arms Control at MIT and has produced over fifteen publications in this field. His most recent defence publications are the journal article Davis, C, (2016) The Ukraine Conflict, Economic-Military Power Balances, and Economic Sanctions, Post-Communist Economies (Open Access) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14631377.2016.1139301 and the book chapter Davis, C. (2019) The Russian Defence Industry, 1980-2025: Systemic Change, Policies, Performance in the book The Economics of the Global Defence Industry. He is completing a commissioned updated version of his 2016 PCE article with the title of: Economic Aspects of the Ukraine Conflict 2014-2022: Russia's Defence-Industrial Complex, Economic–Military Power Balances, Economic Warfare, and Costs of the War.
Christopher has made over 50 academic research visits to the USSR and Russia since 1974, including an academic year at Moscow State University as a postgraduate student, and during 2013-2021 he held two part-time senior research positions in universities in Moscow in the field of health economics.
He was born in 1976 in Budapest. He graduated from Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest with a degree in history and political theory in 2000. In 2008, he was awarded summa cum laude by XX. his doctoral dissertation on 19th-century Irish national struggles in ELTE's doctoral program dealing with modern and contemporary universal history. In addition to his university studies, he pursued additional studies in the field of security policy: between 1997 and 1998, he participated in the Manfred Wörner Foundation's one-year defense and security policy course in Budapest. Between 2004 and 2005, he participated in two semesters of international security policy training at the Geneva Center for Security Policy. His field of research and the topic of his final thesis was Europe's future security environment. In 2006, he attended a two-month training course on East Asian security at Beijing National Defense University. He started his career as a security policy advisor at the State Secretariat for Security and Defense Policy of the Prime Minister's Office in 1999. Between 2002 and 2010, he worked as a clerk at the Defense Policy Department of the Ministry of National Defense. From 2010 to 2012, he was the head of the Defense Planning Department of the Ministry of Defence. Between 2012 and 2014, he headed the Defense Policy Department at the Permanent Mission of Hungary to NATO in Brussels. Between 2014 and 2018, he was the head of the Defense Policy Department of the Ministry of National Defence. His book Bonfire was published in 2018, which deals with the national and geopolitical conflicts of Central and Eastern Europe in the context of a fictional story. Additional editions of the book were published at the end of 2018 and 2019. Co-authored by György Gyulai, his book Day by Day Trianon was also published in 2020. From 2018, he is a permanent author of Mandiner. In 2005 and 2009, he received the National Defense Award III., then II. department, and in 2014, in recognition of his work in NATO, he was honored by the President of the Republic, János Áder, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Hungary's NATO membership. He speaks English and French.
Gavin Harper helped to establish the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Strategic Elements and Critical Materials, the UK’s first centre dedicated to the study of the challenges around materials criticality. He is currently a Research Fellow with the UKRI Interdisciplinary Centre for the Circular Economy of Technology Metals and was previously a Faraday Institution Research Fellow on the ReLiB (Recycling and reuse of Lithium Ion Batteries) Project. Recent work has been focused on the circular economy of the materials used in Electric Vehicles with “Recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles”, appearing in the 150th Anniversary Issue of Nature and a Policy Forum piece on the “Global Implications of the EU Battery Regulation” appearing in Science. He was also a Commissioner on Sir John Beddington’s University of Birmingham Policy Commission “Securing Technology Critical Metals for Britain” and is a member of the International Energy Agency’s Task 40 Group on Critical Raw Materials for Electric Vehicles. He has recently written for the journal "American Affairs" and "The Conversation" on the Impact of Russia's War in Ukraine on Critical Materials supply chains and the challenges that this presents for clean innovation.
Head of the MCC Media School. "Kálnoky, you should go as a journalist!" - "God save you!" I had this brief exchange of ideas with one of my teachers in the eighth grade. Journalism eventually became my life. I was born in Germany to a Szekler father and a Silesian mother in 1961. My parents moved to a new country or city every few years, so I spent my childhood in Germany, the United States, the Netherlands and spent time in France, in six different cities. I finished school in Paris, studied political science in Hamburg (graduated in 1986), then joined the editorial staff of the German newspaper Die Welt. When the regime change occurred in 1989, my Hungarian roots took me east and I started writing articles About Central and Eastern Europe. In 1993 I left my emerging career at Die Welt and came to Budapest as a freelancer. Nine months later I was lured back, now as a correspondent. In 2004 I became a Turkey and Middle East correspondent based in Istanbul, from where I returned in 2013. 2015- I left Die Welt again in 2010 to become Magyarors again I want to be a freelancer. Although I still work for them, I now collaborate with Austrian and Swiss bodies in parallel. I cannot live without writing and I want to share this passion with my students.
Dr. Rajmund Kiss obtained his first degree in 2000 at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. After that, he studied marketing and commerce in Stockholm in 2001, and then in 2004 he took part in a business management training program in Tokyo. Between 2006 and 2008, he was the business development director of Videoton Holding Zrt., the largest industrial group in Hungary. He started his diplomatic career at the Embassy of Hungary in Singapore, as the senior diplomat of the Foreign Office in 2008. In addition to the economic relations between the two countries, he was also assigned the task of regional foreign trade diplomat for the economic representation of our country in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. In a short time, he was elected as a member of the board of the Singapore European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham), which he held between 2008-2011. Between 2012-2013, he represented our country in the first subordinate position at the Hungarian Embassy in Singapore.
After returning to Hungary in 2013, he took a position as the business development director of the Századvég Economic Research Institute. In 2014, he was appointed as the Permanent Representative of Hungary to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, and in 2015 he received the rank of ambassador. In the WTO, he was elected as the chairman of the Working Group Responsible for the Accession of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In 2017, he was Hungary's chief negotiator in the negotiations for the domestic arrangement of the World Export Development Forum, in which Hungary won the right to host.
Ambassador Rajmund Kiss continued his studies at Harvard University, where he completed the Kennedy School of Government's Emerging Leaders Executive Program in 2013 and the Mastering Trade Policy Executive Program in 2015. In the same year, he obtained a postgraduate degree in international economics from the University of Oxford, and in 2017 an MBA from the Said Business School of the University of Oxford.
Currently, he is a master's lecturer at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Budapest University of Economics in the subjects of negotiation strategy and foreign policy decision-making, economic diplomacy and business diplomacy.
Since September 2020, he has been teaching at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium International School, where he teaches international negotiations and foreign policy decision-making, as well as economic and business diplomacy. From February 2021, he is the Head of the Diplomacy Workshop at the MCC School of International Relations.
In addition to his professional knowledge of English, he speaks German and Italian at a conversational level.
I completed my studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University with a master's degree in English and communication, where I specialized in institutional communication and public relations. I started my career as a business journalist at newspapers and communication agencies. In the mid-2000s, I joined the Századvég Foundation, where I spent nearly ten years - as a communication expert, researcher, and later as the director of the Századvég Media Workshop. At this stage of my life, I had the opportunity to deal with both theoretical and practical approaches to communication. I published, I developed the communication of politicians and organizations, but we supported the strategic communication of large companies with research and consulting, such as Tesco, British American Tobacco or Magyar Telekom. After that, I continued my career as the manager responsible for strategic communication at Magyar Fejlsztési Bank Zrt., and then as chief political advisor to the Prime Minister's Office. In the latter position, he is responsible for coordinating the corporate communications of Budapest Bank, Magyar Posta, savings cooperatives, MFB Group and National Public Utilities, among others. He came to MCC from the National Toll Payment Provider Zrt., where as the director responsible for strategic and government relations I also managed the area responsible for communications. He is currently responsible for the coordination of the professional activities of the think-tank organizations operating under the auspices of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium, as well as for the strategic coordination of their operations.
Dr. David Laborde Debucquet joined IFPRI, Washington DC, in 2007. He is a Senior Research Fellow in the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division and the Theme Leader on Macroeconomics and Trade for IFPRI. His research interests include globalization, international trade, measurement and modeling of protectionism, multilateral and regional trade liberalization as well as environmental issues (climate change, biofuels).
John Laughland has a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Oxford and the post-doctoral habilitation from the University of Paris-Est (Marne-la-Vallée). He has also studied at the University of Munich. He is the author of numerous books on intellectual history, notably ‘The Tainted Source: the Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea’ (1997) and ‘A History of Political Trials from Charles I to Charles Taylor (2016). He is a lecturer in history and political science at the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies (ICES) in the Vendée (Western France) and at the Albert the Great Institute (IRCOM) in Lyon, having earlier taught in other universities in Paris and Rome. His work centres largely around the relationship between the nation-state and international institutions, especially the EU, and this has led him to work intensively on the problems associated with human rights law and international criminal law. With a lifelong interest in Central and Eastern (as well as Western) Europe, he was for ten years the director of a think-tank in Paris founded by a Russian historian and devoted to encouraging conservative values across the continent.
He thinks that XXI. The most important task of the 20th century is to find a harmonious balance between man-made and natural systems. He is convinced that the most pressing social, economic and political issues of the century ahead will be unsolvable without a reinterpretation of the relationship between nature and man. That is why he is very happy that he can deal with this issue as the director of the Climate Policy Institute.
Corrado Macchiarelli is the Research Manager for Global Macroeconomics at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR). He is an Associate Professor at Brunel University London and a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics.
PhD (econ.) Tuomas Malinen is CEO of GnS Economics, a Helsinki-based macroeconomic consultancy, and an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Helsinki. He has studied economics also at New York University. Professor Malinen studied economic crises for 10 years and economic growth for 15 years in the academia. Currently he provides forecasts and analyses on the world economy to investors and companies. He is frequently interviewed by the international media.
Amanda is an Economic Risk Analyst at the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), responsible for preparing forward-looking analyses of economic risks and their potential impact on food security outcomes. She has co-drafted country narratives for the FAO-WFP Hunger Hotspots Report on Acute Food Insecurity. Previously, she worked for two years in WFP Nicaragua, where she served as a Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Associate, researching the compounded causes of food insecurity at the national and local levels and co-drafted two Emergency Food Security Assessments in the aftermath of climatic events in 2018-2019. Before that, she worked for five years in the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Nicaragua as a Statistics Fiscal Specialist, where she contributed to implementing a financial programming model, preparing policy notes on economic shocks. Additionally, she supported the finalization of the Evaluation of Public Financial Management of Nicaragua (PEFA) conducted by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). She also served as the technical counterpart of the government in High-Level Meetings with DESA UNDP, the IMF and the WB, among other institutions.
Amanda was awarded the Chevening Scholarship of the British Government in 2020 to study the MSc in Development Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she graduated with Merit. She also earned a Bachelor’s in Applied Economics and a Master’s Degree in Applied Economics at Universidad Centroamericana, UCA.
Csaba Moldicz, Ph.D., is research director of the Eurasia Center at John von Neumann University. His main research area is the economic integration process of the European Union and China, with a special focus on the Eastern and Central European region. He has published several books as a senior editor and his monograph on technology competition between the United States and China in Europe was published by Routledge in 2020. He is an Associate Research Fellow of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary) and the China-CEE Institute. Since October 1, he is Head of the Centre for International Economy, MCC.
From May 2022, Márton Nagy has become the Minister of Economic Development, and was previously chief adviser to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
Certified economist. Between 1998 and 2000, he started his career as an analyst at the State Debt Management Center, then from 2000 to 2002 he worked as a senior economist at ING. He joined the MNB team in 2002. From 2015, he held the position of vice-president responsible for monetary policy, financial stability and credit promotion of the Hungarian National Bank. In addition, he performed his duties as deputy chairman of the Monetary Council of the MNB, as a member of the Financial Stability Council, and as chairman of the Financial Department of the Hungarian Economic Society, as well as a lecturer and instructor.
Author of numerous researches, analyzes and articles. His research and publication areas mainly focus on the pricing of bank products and healthy lending. In his professional publications, he analyzes the challenges of the financial system. As vice-president of the central bank, he participated, among other things, in the launch of the Growth Loan Program, the conversion of foreign currency loans into forints, and the launch of the Growth Bond Program.
In 2014, he received the Sándor Popovics award, which is awarded to up-and-coming professionals who provide outstanding professional work in the field of economics and finance.
Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1966. He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Vienna. After earning his doctorate in 1994 at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, he did a postdoc at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Lyon, France. He started his career at BASF more than 25 years ago. His journey has been exciting with many interesting challenges and diverse experiences across international boundaries at BASF. Since 2014 he leads the operation of BASF Central & South East Europe as a BASF Group Vice President. Besides his positions at BASF, he is serving in the board of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and he is leading the EU Green Deal Working Groups in the German-Hungarian and the American Chambers of Commerce in Hungary. For the German-Eastern European Business Association he acts as a speaker for South-East-Europe
Emmet Penney is the editor-in-chief of Grid Brief, a contributing editor at Compact Magazine, and the host of the Nuclear Barbarians podcast. He lives in Chicago.
Olga Pindyuk is Economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. She is a country expert for Ukraine and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Her research focuses on foreign trade, in particular trade in services, and financial markets. Previously, she worked as a consultant with the World Bank (Ukraine office) and the DFID Ukraine Trade Policy Project.
Shaun Riordan is Director of the Chair of Diplomacy and Cyberspace of the European Institute of International Studies. He is a visiting fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations (“Clingendael”) and the Charhar Institute (Beijing). Shaun is a senior consultant on public, digital and cyber diplomacy with both UNITAR and UNDP and has taught at diplomatic academies in Spain, Bulgaria, Armenia and the Dominican Republic. He has also taught at the Financial Markets Institute in Madrid and has been a research fellow of the London School of Economics.
Shaun is a former British diplomat who served in New York, Taiwan, Beijing and Madrid, as well as in the Counter-Terrorism, Yugoslavia, UN and Hong Kong Departments in the Foreign Office in London. He is the author of “The New Diplomacy” (Polity 2003), “Adiós a la Diplomacia” (Siglo XXI 2005), “Cyberdiplomacy: Managing Governance and Diplomacy in Cyberspace” (Polity 2019) and “The Geopolitics of Cyberspace” (Brill 2019) and has written widely on diplomacy and geopolitics and their interaction with digital and other emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs).
Géza Sebestyén was previously a lecturer at the János Kodolányi College, the University of Szeged and the Corvinus University of Budapest. He also held positions such as the research director of the OECONOMUS Economic Research Foundation, a member of the board of directors of MKB Venture Capital Management, or a member of the advisory board of the Pallas Athéné Domus Scientiae Foundation. Géza Sebestyén is a certified mathematician and economist who has taught as a guest lecturer at the Munich Business School in Germany, the Azerbaijan Stock Exchange, the ESSCA in France, the International Banker's School, WU Wien in Vienna, the World Bank, Selye János University in Révkomárom (2003-2005) and ELTE mathematician in the courses of his training. He obtained his doctorate at the Corvinus University of Budapest, his research topic was dynamic stochastic banking asset-liability management. He is the co-author of several technical books in English and Hungarian, and a total of about 20 scientific works are associated with his name. His scientific informative works appear regularly in the columns of Makronóm, but he has also been published on the pages of Index, Portfolio and Növekedes.hu.
Howard J. Shatz is a senior economist at the RAND Corporation and a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He specializes in international economics and economics and national security. His RAND research has included economic competition and the U.S. role in the global economic order; the global economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; great power competition in the Middle East; the Chinese and Russian economies; labor-market reform in Mongolia; the finances and management of the Islamic State and its predecessors; and the development of socio-economic strategy by governments. From 2007 to 2008, he was on leave from RAND, serving as a senior economist at the U.S. President's Council of Economic Advisers. He holds a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University.
Stefan Šipka is an expert with 10+ years of experience in the field of EU's environmental policies. As of 2018, Stefan is a Policy Analyst at European Policy Centre (EPC), an independent think tank based in Brussels, Belgium. He works in EPC’s Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme on environmental policies and smarter use of resources. His main areas of work pertain to the EU's circular economy agenda and the twin green and digital transition, as well as EU's policies on biodiversity, zero pollution and sustainable agri-food.
Fritz Söllner is head of the Department of Public Finance at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. He worked as a junior lecturer at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and as a John F. Kennedy Research Fellow at Harvard University. His research interests include, besides the history of economic thought, environmental economics and the economics of migration. Among recent publications are the textbook Die Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens (5th ed., 2021, Springer-Gabler, Berlin, in German) and the papers The Use (and Abuse) of Robinson Crusoe in Neoclassical Economics (History of Political Economy 48(1), 2016, 35-64) and Towards a Rational Migration Policy (Analyse und Kritik 40(2), 2018, 267-291).
Dr. Zoltán Szalai is the director general of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) and the Editor-in-Chief of the Mandiner weekly newspaper. He completed his university studies in Budapest, Pécs and Heidelberg, and obtained his humanities and language teacher's degree in German language and literature and then his doctorate degree at ELTE, and his master's degree in human resources consulting at the University of Pécs. He is the editor and author of numerous books and studies in Hungarian, German and English.
Economist, sociologist, doctor of political science (PhD). Head of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium's School of Economics and Entrepreneurship Research Workshop. During his career, he worked as an analyst, government official and teacher. During his career as an analyst, he prepared economic policy and public policy analyses, including on businesses, competitiveness, development policy, regional policy, and public policy methodological issues. Founder of the Hétfa Research Institute (2009). He was the leader of the research leading to the book Report on the State of Capitalism in Hungary (2009). He is the author of several scientific publications dealing with competitiveness and the operation of domestic enterprises. As Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development (2018-2020), he managed the business policy activities of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and led the development of the government's strategy for strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises. As chief of staff of the Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy (2010-2012), he dealt with economic policy results and competitiveness programs, and led the development of the Simple State Program focusing on administrative reduction. Previously, as head of department (2004-2006) and as a referent (1999-2000), he prepared analyzes supporting the development of programs based on EU development resources. He is a permanent teacher at the Rajk Vocational College, a patron teacher at the Széchenyi István Vocational College, and has taught several times at the Debrecen Közgazdász Vocational College. Founder and editor-in-chief of Összkép Magazin. He completed his studies at the Garay János High School in Szekszárd, the Budapest University of Economics and the Central European University. He was a member of the Rajk Vocational College.
From 2018, Deputy State Secretary responsible for the Agricultural Market at the Ministry of Agriculture
Between 2012-2018, head of the Agricultural Market Department of the Ministry of Agriculture
For seven years from 2004, he was the agricultural diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brussels, at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union
Between 2003-2004, head of unit in the County Branches Coordination Department of the Office of Agriculture and Rural Development
EU coordination specialist in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2000
Dr. Marie-Theres Thiell, today managing director of the DialogUngarn business network, worked in the energy industry (RWE/innogy) for thirty years - fifteen of them with board responsibility in Eastern Europe with a focus on Hungary. Until 2020, she was Divisional Board Member Networks Eastern Europe of innogy SE and in personal union Chairwoman of the Board of Power Supply Budapest and North-East Hungary. With a doctorate in law, she is familiar with German-Hungarian economic relations and has an extensive network in the business community of both countries.
Furthermore, the networking of women in business is particularly important to her, which is why she is involved in the board of the VdU Landesverband Westfalen and the International Commission. She is also a trustee of the Foundation of the University of Miskolc in North-East Hungary and a board member of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Budapest.
László Bernát Veszprémy graduated from Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church with a degree in history in 2016, and then obtained a master's degree in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the ELTE BTK Doctoral School of Cultural History. His field of research is the history of political ideas and Jewish history. Between 2016 and 2018, he was an employee of the Jewish magazine Szombat, between 2017 and 2018 he was a researcher at the Veritas Historical Research Institute, and in 2019 he was a researcher at the Institute of Hungarian Jewish History of Milton Friedman University. Between 2018 and 2021, he was a researcher at the Migration Research Institute, and between 2019 and 2021, he was the deputy editor-in-chief of the largest Hungarian-Jewish news portal, neokohn.hu. He is currently the editor-in-chief of corvinak.hu and a publicist of Mandiner.
So far, he has published four books, at the Jaffa publishing house, Bureaus of Annihilation on the history of the Hungarian Holocaust and 1921 on the early history of the Horthy regime, as well as Migration and Antisemitism in the West edited by MCC Press and an online resource publication on the history of Zionism.
Guillaume Vuillemey is associate professor of finance at HEC Paris. His research focuses on banking, financial crises and globalization. He has published scientific articles in a number of journals, including the Journal of Finance and the Review of Financial Studies.
Georg Zachmann is a senior fellow at Bruegel - an independent economic think tank based in Brussels. At Bruegel he has worked since 2009 on energy and climate policy. Between 2018 and 2021 Georg led the project LowCarbonUkraine that supported the Ukrainian government in designing and implementing ambitious energy and climate policies. Georg Prior to Bruegel Georg worked at the German Ministry of Finance, the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin and the energy think tank LARSEN in Paris. Georg holds a doctoral degree in economics.